I was fairly happy with my digital artefact in the end. Several ideas were scrapped along the way but thats just part of the process. There are things I would definately change if I had had longer or wanted to go through the process again, but thats always going to be the case. Not knowing what background my assessors would have I stuck closely to the assessment criteria at least then even if they didn't get my artefact's message I would tick all the boxes for each criteria.
The EdcMooc Peer Assessment
Reading through some of the discussion forums, Google+ and the EdcMooc facebook page there were quite a few comments on the wide quality of digital artefacts with some being not so good. I had three very different artefacts to assess, one of which was quite poor whilst another was excellent. Sticking to the assessment criteria I graded accordingly trying to give comments on what I did like and how I thought it could have received a higher grade.
Assessment criteria
These are the criteria we ask you to consider for each of the three artefacts you evaluate.
- The artefact addresses one or more themes for the course
- The artefact suggests that the author understands at least one key concept from the course
- The artefact has something to say about digital education
- The choice of media is appropriate for the message
- The artefact stimulates a reaction in you, as its audience, e.g. emotion, thinking, action
You will assign a score to each digital artefact
0 = does not achieve this, or achieves it only minimally
1 = achieves this in part
2 = achieves this fully or almost fully
My Digital Artefact Grade!
I got a 2!! Well pleased. Summary of my peer assessment comments:
peer 1 → This artefact is outstanding, inspiring and very interesting. Fantastic reasearch and very focused on education. She graduates with honors.
peer 2 → It made me think about the transhumanist evolving vision to take a more proactive approach to technology policy and to enhance our memory and generally to achieve a greater degree of control over our own lives.
peer 3 → Beautifully done!
Very chuffed with my assessors comments and I will get a Statement of Accomplishment with Distinction. Its nice to get a cerficate but the learning experience has been great. True I never did get into Twitter but the Coursera discussion forums, Google+ and edcmooc Facebook provided ample opportunity to engage with my fellow moocers.
Facebook Stats from Aras Bozkurt
I loved it so much....
I've signed up for another Coursera course, Gamification which starts in April. Not being one to do things by half I've also signed up for the ALT ocTEL which also starts in April. That should be interesting, between now and when the courses start I'll start collating information so I'm at least starting with a level of knowledge that will make course time manageable.
A testament to the level of engagement amongst edcmooc students, there is an alumni group started on LinkedIn.
Would I recommend a Mooc to others?